Research, Reflection, Self-Evaluation: 2025 Revisions

As OISESA enters its third year of operation in 2025, we continue to revise our quality assurance programme for schools across Southern Africa. This culture of ongoing research, reflection, and self-evaluation is vital in any organisation, both locally and globally, and lies at the heart of OISESA’s mission statement.
We have revised the Standards & Indicators and updated the Guidelines for Schools and the Self-Study Template for 2025. These revisions have been made with carefully considered feedback from our mentor team and the schools they work with, OISESA staff, the ISASA working committee, and from careful research of global trends.
The changes to the Standards & Indicators 2025 (for all sectors) are as follows:
1. Page 2: A copyright note has been added to the Contents page.
2. Page 4: Additional headings have been added for clarity under ‘Sustainability’: ‘Financial’ and ‘Environmental.’
3. Page 5: The word ‘transformation’ has been added to 3.6.
4. Page 6: The words ‘including the use of Artificial Intelligence (AI)’ have been added to 5.1.7.
5. Page 8: The words ‘and the use of AI’ have been included in 8.7.
The Guidelines for Schools have been revised extensively, including new surveys for administrative staff, updated evidence lists, and guidelines for online trainings.
The updated documents can all be found on the OISESA website under Resources. Please ensure that you download these versions for 2025.